Sunny Pulliam

I have been asked what has been my inspiration for the sculpture. Looking deeply into my own heart, I have discovered I am happiest when I am creating. Experimenting with both terra-cotta and oil-based clay, I saw that each had its special properties and value to the artist. Working in either of these mediums, I saw the possibility to capture not only the form of the human figure and its movement but more importantly, mood and emotion. Later, as I studied bronze casting techniques, I found that the transition of my work to bronze would add many new design challenges and a whole new dimension for the artist's end product that could be achieved through an understanding of the patination process and its possibilities. Sculpture has become an exciting journey for me to a destination that is not yet known, but I do recognize there are some important milestones along the way. First, I must satisfy myself that a sculpture expresses the feeling I wanted to convey or tells the story I set out to tell. Next, if the sculpture captures the interest of the viewer, this lets me know that I have created something that speaks to others besides myself, and this type of communication is the most important goal of the artist.